
A song I wrote about in February
performed by Wild Willy Barretts Roaring Touring
Wiily - Guitar , Mary - Cello , Jane - ukulele & vocals for Willy's Live Show on his website every fortnight www.wildwillybarrett.com
I should have known

This song pretty much wrote itself - I just sat at the piano and that was it .It features the wonderful guitar playing of Pete Mathison.
The Ballad of Jenny Mae

A song I wrote about a murder most horrid.

Another song I ve written featuring
Pete Mathison - guitar , Andy Leggett on Saxophone , Anth Caplen on bass

A song I wrote that started out as a bit of a rant called Lies , but the music felt upbeat and positive so rewrote the lyrics and here we are with Hooked .The amazing Pete Mathison on guitar .
Death's Lament

A big part of my musical day involves playing at Carehomes throughout South Wales and when the pandemic hit all that work stopped .I decided to write a musical about how these care homes and all the lovely staff and residents were effected .This song is sung by the character of Death , but unlike the stereotypical image of Death being a 'baddy' I decided that this death would be a kind , benevolent , welcoming Death.
I ll Take a Bow

A clip of another one of the songs from my musical sung by the character of ' The Virus '
A cover of Poison and Wine by The Civil Wars

Black Coffee

A lockdown collaboration with the wonderful guitarist Mike Frost of the jazz song - Black Coffee
I'll be seeing you

Another wonderful jazz tune played so brilliantly by my duo partner Pete Mathison on guitar
Down in the City

This song was a collaborative effort written by Myself , Anth Caplen and Pete Mathison with Sean Mcbride on Saxophone and Chris Cleaver on guitar and Anth playing everything else .
Careless Love

Here's a youtube video of a lockdown collaboration with the wonderful guitarist Mike Frost song called Careless Love and one we perform with my jazz quintet