Poster image taken by Dave Daggers Photographer
You know when you re manically busy with gigs and all you can think about is being able t
o take a breath and sit and watch crap on tv and eat kettle crisps ( my weakness ) for a day or two and then you get covid AGAIN on Boxing Day so you end up losing your two most lucrative gigs over New Year , so you do end up sitting on the sofa watching crap - well that - be careful what you wish for ....idiot williams - honestly .
I know traditionally January is a very quiet month for musicians so my NYE & NYD gigs were going to see me through the quiet times .....pfffff - hey ho what can you do .
It was a weird month , I got over covid but seemed to get every cold known to woman after it - I wonder has anyone felt really well since before 2020 . Not sure I have except for brief interludes . I m not moaning just making an observation . Three lovely friends of mine passed away in between Dec and end January so in comparison to that having a few sniffles is bugger all .
I m excited about the daylight lengthening - honestly you d think we d be used to it - after all it happens every year but when the days start getting lighter and the crocuses suddenly appear I m like " YESSSSS " for Spring - bring on the light evenings and the soothing in the garden with a book and a cuppa .
Anyway things have started getting busier again thankfully in February - been doing some ukulele workshops for Community Music Wales and Barnados for young carers up in Merthyr and I have to say they were an absolute pleasure .Such enthusiasm and joy at being able to play an instrument for the first time .
Last week - 9th Feb I had a gig with 7 amazing women - funded by the Arts Council Wales and an Archwilwyr Jazz Explorers project in conjunction with Black Mountain Jazz and the Borough Theatre - 7 women with a vast array of experience came together to perform at the newly refurbed Borough Theatre in Abergavenny , a mixture of mainly original tunes and the odd standard .It was very well received and I think I can speak for the other six women involved - Paula Gardiner , Siobhan Waters , Maria Lamburn , Xenia Porteous , Deborah Glenister and Liz Excell - that we all thoroughly enjoyed it .Hopefully more to come .See photo below .

Photo by Kasia Ociepa Photographer
So I will sign off by saying I have no wish to sit on the sofa and eat Kettle crisps for the next few months so if I start saying I m too busy just tell me to shut up .